Wednesday 31 January 2018

Still painting slowly

The less said about last year the better (12 figures painted in the year) and so far it seems I'm still on the one-a-month level... I'm a bit scared to start a new countdown to this year's BOYL, or set any kind of target for that matter, but I'm hoping the output improves somewhat.

I got this chap as part of a lot and he had gone straight into my spares box, but given the time pressure (he had to be ready for last week's game) I couldn't turn down the saving of having a standard ready-built rather than my previous conversion plan.

On the plus side I think I'm getting towards a basing scheme for my chaos types, inspired by Whiskey Priest's orks and the cover of the first Citadel Compendium. It still needs some work but given that I've been all over the place on bases up to now it's nice to have a firm plan in mind.

I'm not so pleased with how the banner turned out - the design is taken from the detail of an Ian Miller drawing, but whereas his looks like some mad alien thing mine's more like an angry bloke with big hair. Ah well, a problem for another day - I'm calling him done!

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