Tuesday, 14 July 2020

More ideas than time

Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that the internet is a good thing.

The Monsters Know What They're Doing looks fun and useful, but even just the blog title is wierdly both amazingly insightful and self-evident. It's bad enough when elf or dwarf characters are just disguised humans, but worse still if giant spiders are. A lot of the content is naturally D&D-centric, but even if it's only the title concept that stays with me then it's helped my gaming (negliable though that is currently).

Cthulhu Dark Ages seems like it would be a great leg-up if I ever do get to properly thinking about a Dark Ages WFRP (as presciently commented by Andy Bartlett at the time).

And is it just me that takes that thought, and then starts thinking about Dark Ages genestealers?

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